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May Message

THOUGHT FOR THE MONTH: “Bloom where you are planted.”                                                                                      

“April showers bring May flowers!” The flowers and trees are blooming, the grass is getting greener, and the birds are singing their songs; sure, and certain signs that spring is here, and summer is coming! May is a very special month; traditionally, Catholics honor Mary, the mother of Jesus, and we also honor all mothers on Sunday, May 12th. A banner hangs on my office wall which reads: “Bloom where you are planted.” I got to thinking more and more about this phrase, although I have seen and heard it before, I decided to delve more deeply into it. I found that this phrase is a well-known quote originally said by Saint Francis de Sales (1567– 1622) who was the Bishop of Geneva. This quote was later made more popular by artist and illustrator, Mary Engelbreit. We read in Psalm 92:12-13, “The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish

in the courts of our God”. The psalmist compares those who are planted in the house of God to a strong and vibrant tree. The biblical meaning of bloom is about our hearts and a reconciled relationship between us and God. These bible verses about blossoming show us that God desires to heal us, forgive our sins when we repent, and to love us unconditionally. So, what exactly does “Bloom where you are planted” mean? It means that we should always do our best under the current set of circumstances. Five ways we can bloom where we are planted …

1. Embrace the challenges that we face in our daily life; sometimes life gets really tough.

2. Stop complaining.

3. Focus on others.

4. Celebrate the small things in life.

5. Visualize the future.

This month let’s try to remember the ways we can bloom. Enjoy God’s wonderful creation … for God made it all good for us to enjoy!